• Lisa Kimondo
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  • Ten Habit Management Tips (with free eBook)

Ten Habit Management Tips (with free eBook)

10 tips & tricks to help you re-structure your life and create a life you love.

Welcome to the Bi-weekly Monday Digest!

For a while now we’ve been tackling the #HabitSeries and I’m excited to bring it to a close with an e-book summarizing my key learnings from Power of Habit & Atomic Habits as promised.

The e-book simplifies my learnings by breaking it down into ten tips & tricks that can help you re-structure your life and create a life you love.

You can access the e-book by clicking the button below.

For those just joining the Monday Digest Community, you can read the previous editions on the #HabitSeries by clicking the links below.

Part 1: The science of habits (the habit formation loop)

Part 2: A 4 step framework you can use to break those bad habits and create new ones (with a ready-to-use template)

Part 3: The 3 layers of behaviour change and the role our identity plays in behaviour change and vice versa.

Part 4: The 4 Laws That Govern Human Behaviour

It’s been a great journey learning all about habits with you!

Until next time, I hope the e-book equips you with the relevant tools to help you create a life you love.


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